Professional Development for Education Leaders

We help school leaders and school key personnel to develop exceptional leadership skills.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Improve Effectiveness for Individuals and Teams
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Sustainable school and district success depends on strong individual performance at all levels. Focusing on the principles of human effectiveness from The 7 Habits is a powerful way to empower individuals to lead themselves and then lead others, while ensuring work-life balance and personal wellbeing. Teams and individuals will learn that success comes from the inside-out.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the world’s premier personal and professional development workshop for educators. With over 35 years of being taught globally, the principles taught in The 7 Habits are timeless principles of personal, interpersonal and organizational effectiveness. These universal, research based principles inspire change among all people and cultures.

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During the 7 Habits workshop participants learn how to:

  • Focus and act on areas they can control or influence.
  • Define clear measures of success for their personal and professional life. Develop a plan to achieve them.
  • Prioritize and succeed on the most important initiatives instead of reacting to urgencies.
  • Create innovative strategies that leverage diversity and satisfy all key stakeholders.
  • Collaborate effectively by building high-trust relationships.
Leader in Me and The 7 Habits
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The 7 Habits training is the cornerstone of Leader in Me implementation. It establishes the fundamental paradigms and behaviors for successfully building leaders, improving school culture and achieving measurable results.

Leading at the Speed of Trust

A high trust culture helps individuals become energized and engaged around their work and impact.
Trust Energizes and Engages Teams
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The Speed of Trust dramatically impacts outcomes by changing the performance of individuals and teams. Teams with high trust collaborate more effectively, operate faster, and achieve results that are sustainable. Trust is not one more thing; rather, it is about how individuals and teams approach their current work.

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  • Practice the 13 Behaviors of High Trust to develop, restore, and extend trust.
  • Create a Trust Action Plan to address trust gaps personally and professionally.
  • Practice communicating transparently, respectfully, and directly.
  • Identify how and when to extend appropriate levels of trust.
  • Keep commitments through a Peer Accountability Process.
Develop the skills needed to build a measurable culture of trust in your district.

4 Roles of Great Leaders

Develop leaders who can think big, adapt quickly, and translate strategy into meaningful work.
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School leaders and key personnel can make a difference when they focus on their essential roles.

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  • Build trust by establishing lanes and guardrails for the school management team and staff and superintendent to function as a team.
  • Create a vision for student success by modeling collaborative problem solving.
  • Execute strategy by systematizing goal achievement and aligning growth goals.
  • Coach potential by using school management team as liaisons between school staff and school leaders and communication to reinforce confidence in school leadership.
The 4 Roles of Great Leaders is constructed to meet the specific needs and goals of your school to drive lasting change and result.
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